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Showing posts with label saint patrick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saint patrick. Show all posts

Mar 11, 2011

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Irish Blessings!


An Old Irish Blessing For You! 
May the road rise up to meet you. 
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, 
and rains fall soft upon your fields. 

And until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Past Saint Patrick and St. Patrick's Day posts.

St. Patrick History
St. Patrick's Prayer 

Mar 9, 2010

St. Patrick History

St Patrick, St Patrick's Day, Irish Saints
We love to celebrate St Patrick's day usually we make cookies, do crafts, and read about the life of St Patrick.

Saint Patrick was ordained by St. Germanus, the of Auxerre,
whom he had studied under for years.

Later, Patrick was ordained a bishop, and was sent to take the Gospel to Ireland. He arrived in Ireland March 25, 433, at Slane. One legend says that he met a chieftain of one of the tribes, who tried to kill Patrick. Patrick converted Dichu (the chieftain) after he was unable to move his arm until he became friendly to Patrick.

Patrick began preaching the Gospel throughout Ireland, converting many. He and his disciples preached and converted thousands and began building churches all over the country. Kings, their families, and entire kingdoms converted to Christianity when hearing Patrick's message.

Patrick by now had many disciples, among them Beningnus, Auxilius, Iserninus, and Fiaac, (all later canonized as well). Patrick preached and converted all of Ireland for 40 years. He worked many miracles and wrote of his love for in Confessions. After years of living in poverty, traveling and enduring much suffering he died March 17, 461.

He died at Saul, where he had built the first church.

Why a shamrock? Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity,
and has been associated with him and the Irish since that time.

In His Footsteps: Patrick was a humble, pious, gentle man, whose love and total devotion to and trust in God should be a shining example to each of us.

He feared nothing, not even death, so complete was his trust in God, and of the importance of his mission.

Saint Patrick Pray For Us!

For more on St Patrick's Day:
More Saint Patrick History
St Patrick's Prayer.

St Patrick's Day Shamrock and Links to Color Pages for the Kids

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