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Showing posts with label vaccine dangers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccine dangers. Show all posts

Jan 17, 2016

Knowledge is the Antidote to Vaccine Orthodoxy - NVIC Newsletter

Today, everybody knows somebody who was healthy, got vaccinated and was never healthy again, even though vaccine orthodoxy has declared vaccines are safe and effective. Read more and discover why knowledge is more important than ever.

 Very informative video for you to watch.

Knowledge is the Antidote to Vaccine Orthodoxy - NVIC Newsletter:

Jul 20, 2011

Vaccine Regrets

  I am so sad that I ever gave my kids vaccines!. My oldest son got more then my youngest. I learned the truth and discontinued vaccine use during my research and never went back. There are so many chemicals in the air already and much of it we can't control, but the chemical poising provided by vaccine use, we can control!

Think about this!
  • There is no such thing as a safe vaccine!
  • We do not need to use vaccines to be healthy!
  • You have a choice!
I am thankful that we quit vaccinating when we did but regretful that we vaccinated at all! I feel I was so stupid, I should have questioned sooner. I can't believe I fell for it! I feel like I took something precious from my children that they can never get back! 
I was so careful about everything else why didn't I see this?
My feelings are not unique, many mothers and fathers are dealing with vaccine regret. Many of them have experiences things far worse them me. Vaccines kill babies and rob us and our children of a life time of the health they would have had if it not for so called safe vaccines!
Educate Before You Vaccinate!

Don't play vaccine roulette with your children's life!

Jul 14, 2011

Vaccine Ingredients

Ever Think About What Is Actually In Those Vaccines You Willingly Inject Into Your Children's Bodies?

If not it's time to start!

Vaccines contain things like aluminum, mercury, animal biological agents and aborted fetal tissue!

There is way more see for your self! What Is In Vaccines?

Jul 2, 2011

Vaccine Autism Link?

Is There a Link Between Childhood Vaccines And Autism?

Jun 21, 2011

Jenny McCarthy talks to CNN on how she cured her sons Autism caused by VACCINATIONS!

Jenny McCarthy talks about how she cured her son from Autism created by unsafe vaccinations

Louder Than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism by Jenny McCarthy

More vaccine safety information:

Is There a Link Between Childhood Vaccines And Autism?

Swine Flu Vaccine

Oct 9, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine

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