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Showing posts with label home school resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home school resources. Show all posts

Oct 13, 2010

Free Printable Cursive Pages

   My son has shown an interest in learning cursive so I found a couple of great free printable cursive packets. We printed out both packets I have listed here and it will be the cursive curriculum for a long time. He is seven and he wants to do about two pages a week. I have posted the packets here, they are free printables.

Cursive Alphabet Practice 12 pages  I found this at TLS Books

I have also found a free printable cursive packet of 26 pages containing all the upper and lower cases at ABC Teach.

Nov 6, 2009

Free Coloring Pages

Free Printable Coloring pages

This is a great site if you are looking for free printable color pages of all kinds!
I wanted to post about it, we printed out a human anatomy color page and there are so many more we will be printing, my kids love to color and so do I, we some days do it all day!

I hope all is well and you are having a great fall season, and I wish you the best!

From Joanne

Nov 4, 2009

World Map Color Page

Great Map Color Page Link

My son needed a world map to color for Social Studies and I could not find the one I was looking for until I found this blog * here is the post with the free printable map link * and I found just what I was looking for when I clicked on the map.. The link took me to a great site with other maps so I also found a great USA map color page as well.

This is a great blog with great resources you should check it out for your home school. I also am a follower of that blog you should follow too.

Nov 2, 2009

Home Schooling Requirements

Home School Law

It is important to satisfy the home school laws in your state and meet the home school requirements. Learn home school laws and requirements in your state, testing and record keeping requirements.

Read my other posts about home school laws laws home school Homeschooling

Oct 4, 2009

Home School Resource

Hello I hope all is well!

I found this great site for charts, I just printed out the student roster.
I have been having some trouble staying on top of our school work and staying organized so we are doing something a little different.

Teacher Vision lesson plans, printables and more.

You get three free items to print out then you have to get the membership.

I hope to get a paid membership this site looks like a great resource for teachers and home educators.


from Joanne

Feb 16, 2009

Home School Organizations

Getting Started Home Schooling More on Home School Organizations and Groups

Do you know anyone who home schools?

When I first got started I didn't know anyone was homeschooling. I went in search of home school groups online and offline. There are homeschoolers everywhere and many great groups with lots of friendly people who are willing to share their experiences with you.

Offline: Search the phonebook for home school groups. Ask around at your church if they have a group or know where one is. When you take your kids to the park don't be afraid to chat with others especially if it is during school hours and you are at the park playing with your kids.

Online: The Internet is a great way for people to find each other. You can find tons of online groups for home schooling just about every social site has home school groups.

Cafe Mom

Home school forums

You can visit me Joanne Utke and many other homeschoolers at facebook. Just do a search to find private and public groups.You can also do a Google search for home school groups in your town. We can all learn a lot from each other, get out there meet new friends!

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