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Showing posts with label homeschooling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschooling. Show all posts

May 8, 2013

Homeschool Advice

   You may be visiting this blog for the first time, or maybe you have read some of my stuff before. I know that I am not real consistent with blogging, but I hope that what I do get out there is interesting and enjoyable to you. I love to learn and just want to share my knowledge and experiences with others. As always comments posted below each post is appreciated and feel free to tell me what you think.

I know that especially for those just starting out homeschooling it is essential to see homeschooling from other points of view as well as find out what other homeschooling families do. Learning about how others succeed and struggle is an important part of how we learn from each other, blogging is a great way to share this information with others. Like all homeschoolers we have good days and not so good days. We have the same stress as anyone else and need to find solutions to normal everyday problems. 

I hope that by sharing with you my experiences you can learn form my struggles as well as my successes. We are constantly learning everyday that is what life is all about and I will never claim to know it all. We learn with our children and everyone else we are in contact with and our children do the same. We can only do our best, when that is not good enough we must learn and grow so that our best can become even better.  

Things have been pretty tough at times and not just with homeschooling but with normal and some not normal everyday stress and issues that need to be and are being dealt with. I am not going to lie, I feel like quiting all the time especially these days. It has been five years since we have been with our charter school program for our homeschooling and we are headed to our sixth year. At this point my kids have never been to school other than some of the classes and events that are available with the charter program. 

I started with the program for support since I didn't know anything about homeschooling nor did I know anyone who was doing it. I only knew that I wanted to do this for my kids! We started with kindergarten and it was pretty good at first we kept up with the work and my son caught on real fast to all the lessons. He learned to read very well in Kindergarten and we were a little more structured then, as much as we were not. Sure I was still dealing with all the family stress, kid stress, and behavior problems but we were coping and learning better ways to do some things.

These days I find it very hard to keep on a schedule and even harder to get my kids to participate in workbook lessons and it boars me too so who can blame them! I think that myself and my kids are just sick and tired of workbooks and desk work. I feel that we lack the hands on stuff my kids really need. For me this is the hardest part especially when tired and the other stresses in my life just really drain me to tears. I find that I have very little left for my children's needs.

This is not a good place to be in for a homeschooling mom but personally I am working through it. I want to learn new and better ways to learn with my kids. Ways that inspire more learning that is fun and enjoyable for the whole family. After five years of homeschooling with a charter pubic school and trying to "do school" with my kids it doesn't seem like it's working anymore. For the last year I have been learning more about the unschool philosophy it seems more natural and I like that.

My kids don't love learning and that is not OK with me. They love hands on stuff and the smiles on their faces is reward enough. Many times I feel like the only home school mom that has kids who don't like school! Something is wrong with this picture. I am sure that many people can relate and I know that I am not alone in this. I guess that is why I have this blog and am writing this now.  Feel free to share in the comment area below.

I am definitely going to do more reading about unschooling and I will pass more good info along in the next blog posts.

How Children Learn (Classics in Child Development)

Learning All The Time

Here are some articles about unschooling that I read lately.

PBS Unschooling 101

Rejoicing Unschool Philosophy

Beginner's Guide To Unschooling

Until next time thank you for reading my first entry of the Home School Log here at the Homeschooling Works blog. Your time and feedback is always appreciated.

Joanne Utke

Jul 27, 2012

Eclectic Education: Back to Homeschool- More Planning!

  Some great info from another homeschool blogger about getting back to homeschool and homeschool planning.

Eclectic Education: Back to Homeschool- More Planning!: I am trying to get organized!  (I'm always trying to get organized... lol!!!) I am really, really bad at planning for a school year.  I a...

Aug 29, 2011

Unschooling, Homeschooling, Eclectic Homeschooling!

     I have been spending a lot of time learning about unschooling lately. I really like a lot of the philosophy around unschooling. For those of you who don't know to much about it, here is the basics. Unschooling is a type of homeschooling/home education. It is focused around child lead education. Children will learn to love learning more when they are in control of it. No standard curriculum is used and no testing, it is not school! Unschool children choose what they want to learn, not some state, or parents even.

I want to tell you how I feel about unschooling. First a little about our home education. My kids have never been to school or day care. We have been homeschooling through a public home based charter program for many years now and we unschooled prior to that, new born to age 5. We started officially homeschooling with the Charter because we wanted to be a part of a homeschool community and have access to many fun activities with other homeshooled children. Every year we go to the science class once a month at our local natural history museum and the kids enjoy meeting others when we get a chance to attend other activity.

We do use standard curriculum, consisting of workbooks and text books. To be honest we don't spend a whole lot of time on workbooks, but we get done what is appropriate at the time. Learning can consist of many different fun things, with  a fair amount of basic studies and intentional learning.

I like to call our style Eclectic Homeschooling! That is, I  learn about all the different methods of home education and take what I feel will work best for my family and create a unique experience for my children's education. Not something any school can do! When my kids reach the age for high school we will fit more into the standard unschool method. Our Charter goes to 8th grade and we will probably not be using any other programs after that.

With unschooling parents trust that their kids will learn on their own, I think this is great, with a fair amount of intentional time spent on reading, writing, and math. I have been told that, that is not real unschooling, and typically unschoolers do not have intentional learning time unless it is child lead. I feel a concept of unschooling is to do your own thing and not try to fit into someone elses mold? Unschoolers believe in freedom and not doing things the way others want.

My definition of  unschooling is NOT to teach your children, but to provide an environment conducive to learning, and learning with them and on your own, leading by example! Unshcooling will not work for children who have parents that don't like to read or learn, and just wants to watch TV all day! Parents must get kids involved in daily activity and yes, contribute to the House hold in one way or another, family values and team work principles. Children need to be lead to a love of learning by those around them for unschooling or homeschooling to be effective and more!! Kids are a product of their environment and individuals, unschool philosophy gets this!

I do feel however that there is so much room for children to learn what they want, when they want to. I had a private school education and a public school education, until I home schooled my self in high school and graduated one year early! I learned how to read, write do basic math and know basic history stuff. My real education started when I got out of school to home school my self. All the years in school and I hated learning and gave my mom and teachers a hard time! At the age of 16 I started Independent study, went to school one hour a week to turn in sample work. I did use curriculum and didn't mind it, It was about 3 days of work and I would get it done in that time and have the rest of the week to hang out with my friends. Not only did I do my work I started reading books not school related.

I think that to unschool effectively, parents should have lots of educational material around and not only encourage your children to use them but to learn with your children. Parents need to pay attention to their kids, that way when an interest is expressed you are right their to assist them in finding the information they seek. Children are natural learners, but getting into a habit of watching TV all day is not a positive thing. In our home we do not have Television, we do have a TV and the kids use it for movies. We also spend a lot of time watching movies as a family!. 

Unschoolers also don't participate in state standardized testing. This isn't a big deal to me and I don't really see how these tests help kids anyway. I do believe that a basic knowledge is a good and positive thing, but it does not have to come from curriculum. I don't care if my kids learn exactly what the state thinks they should. We learn what we are interested in at the time, but my kids ask some great questions and we find the answers.

We also love video games and my kids have been using some great tools for creating their own games and my son says he like creating his own game better than playing video games. Some days that is all we do, while other days they may do art all day.

Learning about unschooling has helped me relax in our home schooling life, I know more about how children learn and agree with most of it. I don't stress over getting workbooks done, because I see how they are learning anyway. We have a lot of board games and other activities for them to do and we spend time doing out doors activities as family. A Win Win!

I will continue to learn about homeschooling methods like unschooling and keep incorporating what is best for my children and family! 

If you are already an unschooler you may not agree with everything I said or my opinion of what unschooling is to me. I am just stating my opinion of the degree I feel appropriate to take with my own children.

To Your Success!

Eclectic Homeschooling on Facebook

Unschooled Children Learn Because They Love Life And Learning!

Aug 28, 2011

History of education in America Part 1

This video will start to take you from the beginning of America's free schools and how the education system evolved to socialism where we are at today!

Aug 10, 2011

Top 10 reasons to home school

Are you homeschooling or want to be maybe you are on the fence about it. 

My top 10 reasons to home school

1. I get to be with my kids all day and watch them grow!

2. I get to be the one who teaches my kids, I get to see there face light up first hand when they have accomplished some new skill!

3. We get to use the world around us as our classroom and my kids get a real life education.

4. My kids will have supervised socialization and we get to meet new people together.

5. My children and I get to choose what we learn and how we learn it!

6. On average by the 8Th grade home schooled kids are 4 years ahead academically then kids in public schools.

7. Homeschooling provides an environment that is focused family.

8. Education is a part of our life, instead of our life being a part of education.

9. We get to travel on days when other kids are in school that means shorter lines at the museums and amusement parks.

10. It just makes good sense!

What is the best advice you can give to someone who is starting out homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling?

Jul 7, 2011

Home School In California

 California Private School Affidavit (PSA) Also Known As R4

In California, families can legally home school their children by establishing a private school in their home and complying with the private school requirements of the California Education Code. Parents who have established a home-based private school cannot be prosecuted for truancy. This is the home school or unschool method many people use.

Want to know more about how you can legally home school in California. Establish your home as a private school in California.

Home School Regulations

Home Based Charter Schools

Online Home School Programs

Unschooled Children Learn Because They Love Life And Learning!

Nov 29, 2010

This Is The Season For Giving and Charity!

  I wanted to post about charity, and giving of ourselves this season, and all year long. In the fall and winter months the giving spirit is on our hearts at least it should be. We can use this time to remind ourselves of the things we can do for others throughout the entire year, especially as we approach the new year. Thanksgiving was established as a national day of Thanksgiving, a time to Give thanks to God for all that he has given us especially the essential fall harvest which made all the difference to a people relying on the harvest to feed them in the dangerous winter season. It was then, and still is a time for Thanksgiving and also a time to make peace with those you may have hurt or just fighting with.  Many people choose this time of year to do charity work, usually with established organizations who distribute Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner to those in need. Which is a good thing, and anyone who is able should find the time at least once in a while to do something of this nature.

Time is not the only thing that we can donate to help others, many of us will give a few dollars here or there to those who are asking, in order to use it for a cause. It is nice when people get together and help those in need and I am happy that so many do help out! Still there is something that bothers me and I have seen it over and over again. It is all good as I said before to do what you can for others, but what about at home, your family? Charity begins in the home I am sure you have heard that before. While you are out doing for strangers is there a grandparent you haven't seen in a while or a parent you have neglected even just a little. Have you been fighting with a sibling, and have not made up yet. Is someone in your family in need of you, your support, your friendship even just for you to give a call and say hello.

Many of those who are quick to do for strangers I feel fall short when it comes to their very own family, so is it really giving? You know who you are. We are called to adhere to the golden rule, Do unto other as you would want them to do unto you! As you read this with a giving spirit think of your own family, is there a parent you never call or have not seen for a long time. What about a grandparent you only see every couple months or years or not ever at all, or a sibling you don't even call anymore. These people love you, and even though they to have made mistakes and don't always do what they should have done in the past they are your family none the less. I know we are not perfect and make mistakes we all do but isn't the time now to do more than we have been. Now is the time to forgive and forget. The past is gone, the future doesn't exist yet and all we have is right now to make the changes or at the least make steps toward change. Put all of your negative feelings aside, life is to short, remember the power of forgiveness, give a call and send that Christmas card this year!

We are all in this world together and we are all apart of everything around us and everything effects each of us. Never stop learning! Learn how to be a better you! That is what I strive to do every day sometimes I admit I fail miserably and other times I am proud of all the things I have allowed my self to learn from those mistakes. You will learn more from your failures then from your successes!  Here is a great thing to say as you start your day "Today I will be better then I was yesterday."  When you do better and become a better you it will affect everyone and everything around you!

If you like this you may also like;

The Christmas Story

Is Easter Pagan 

The Hanukkah Story 


The Passover Holy Day

Thanks for reading please share!

Joanne Utke

Nov 6, 2010

Home School Progress Report 2009

Home School VS Traditional School!

I just read this great article about homeschooling and traditional schooled children. This new study provided by HSLDA Home School Legal Defence Association paints a good picture of how home schoolers are doing compared to institutionalized educated children. This study showed only slight differences among home schoolers academically and huge differences among home schoolers and traditional schooled children. This study looked at home schoolers from all areas including family income, children per family and more. This is definitely worth reading and it didn't take but five minutes.

You can read this report here Home School Progress Report 2009

Oct 14, 2010

Why Homeschool: Scholarships for homeschoolers - the website

Why shouldn't their be Scholarships for home schoolers? Check out how a family is making it happen for some homeschoolers and this is just the start. I hope one day their are Scholarships available to every college bound home school student! 

Why Homeschool: Scholarships for homeschoolers - the website

Oct 7, 2010

Standardized Testing And Home School, My Thoughts.

    I have been doing some thinking on the pros and cons of standardized testing in schools and among homeschoolers who are forced to partake in this ritual. The method of state standardized testing is a way of tracking the academic progress of school children, testing them on basic knowledge. The student is given a score and placed among a statistic for their age and grade. Schools like this because they feel it gives them an idea of what the students know and if they meet the standard for their age and grade set by our education system. Schools are then commended for high scores among the masses of their students while low scoring schools, students and teachers are looked down on and encouraged to raise those scores. This may increases the stress of the teachers and students only making the problem worse! Standardized testing says that all children at like ages and grades must know generally the same information in the same way. Standardized testing does not take into consideration the home life of the student, the people who talk to them and don't, as well as their ability to learn at the same rate as other kids who are taking the same test.

The reason why schools are so fond of standardized testing is because it provides them cookie cutter information for the cookie cutter society they are training kids for! They can weed out the "fast" learners to the "slow" learners and label them accordingly. This may produce stress and depression for the "slow" learners and high levels of "self esteem for the "fast" learners. "Great job you have a high score" as they get a pat on the back for all of their hard work. The "slow" learners just get "you need to do better or you will fail" then they are placed in a class where they can "improve" and continue to do work that offers little to know challenge. That was me in the resource classes sitting their with the other "slow learning" or lazy kids who just wanted to get by and get out! I loved to score low on tests, and I loved the easy classes, there were less kids and the classroom was open for free conversation with the teacher as well as more art time. Yet that didn't change my self esteem, I always thought I was one of the dumb ones or at least that is what I was led to believe.

Deep down inside I knew I could do it if I really wanted to but why? so I can keep up with the other kids labeled "smart" and "good students" I didn't want to keep up I wanted to just learn and find my own way. I finally got out of school early thanks to independent study, finally I was allowed to learn at my own pace and surprise surprise I had the time to learn even more and of all the things I found that I have always wanted to learn! I finally felt like an individual. Anyway, this is about standardized testing and home school not me. Like most parents I want to do all I can for my children without doing to much damage lol! We are using a public Charter for our home school needs and he is in 2nd grade and will be required to do standardized testing in May. I have my reservations however and I am sorting it all out hence my post. He has already been tested on reading and was not allowed to participate in the program two years ago for Kindergarten until he had the assessment test. A passing score meant he was ready for Kindergarten curriculum, he passed but what did this really prove? It proved he was in line or even ahead of other students his age and was capable of doing the State mandated curriculum. Possible useful information for a cookie cutter life in a school that wants all the kids to learn, think and act in a certain way. I am not trying to say anything bad about the home based Charter school we use, but I have realized that it is still a public school with minds sets much the same. You need to take this into consideration before using a Public Charter Program. Learn more about home based Charter School Programs.

When I began this home school journey I wanted freedom to teach my kids in a way that was all them not every other kid. I am learning now about real education and how my own kids learn. Do I really want them to learn in a way that makes them better capable to score high on a test or learn in a way that speaks to them and actually allows them to learn and use their God given minds as an individual who they are made to be! Fortunately the program we are in offers much freedom and control on my part and we are happy with it so far (still way better than a regular public school).     

About standardized testing, I did try to see it the other way and have for many years. I said why not Standardized testing after all kids must have a basic knowledge so that they at least know what people are talking about in general conversations as well as do basic math and write a book report. We must know how kids stack up to other kids in the nation and we must track their education with tests made up with information they probably memorized anyway! When you spell it all out it really sound ridiculous, I am realizing that as I write this lol!

Standardized Testing: What Can It Hurt Anyway? I will explore this on another post in the mean time please comment and tell me your side. I want to hear the opinions of many people so please share.

Thanks for reading, to your families success!

Joanne Utke

Aug 29, 2010

Our Home School Begins Another Year

    We officially started on workbooks again, this year we are not focusing to much on workbooks but I feel they have there place. My son started 2nd grade home school and my youngest is starting to learn pre k reading. It was nice to have a break and we all needed it.

Last year we took on a lot of book work and didn't finish all of the workbooks we had but my son still did very well. So this year we are only using the workbooks needed for basic knowledge and this year we have picked curriculum that are more straight to the point and easy to follow along.

That way we can focus more on reading great books and doing fun activity instead of workbooks all day. My son loves video games so we incorporate educational computer games into our day, and my kids can play on their own while I get some stuff done.

Not to mention it is a great incentive to getting workbooks done!

This year we have chosen Pathways for our reading curriculum and I am very happy with it. Pathways consists of a chapter book and a workbook the child does a page before the section of the book is read and then does a page after. There are also phonics pages to do anytime, this is a straight forward curriculum in reading and hits all the important parts to reading. Pathways was created by the Amish to be used in their school houses. Pathways chapter books are filled with great stories that children love as well as character building scenarios.

We are using Math Steps for our math curriculum. This curriculum has a teachers guide as well as a great easy to follow workbook that gets right to the point of each math lesson.

We also are using a vocabulary workbook called Vocabulary Workshop by Sadlier Oxford. This one has a teachers guide and it is also very user friendly and hits all necessary vocabulary skills.

For spelling we use Spelling Connections by Zaner Bloser also a user friendly curriculum, this has a teachers guide and a workbook that gives a spelling list at the beginning of each section. The student practices the words by doing the corresponding work pages and then a challenge page that introduces more challenging above grade level words.

In English we are using Houton Mifflin.
Science is Mc Graw Hill.
Social Studies is California Vista this curriculum is standard for CA public schools.

There is not much to say about the last three, but we read them do the workbooks, activities and discuss the information. Later we may read other books and enjoy Field trips to places where we can further our education on the subjects.

Thanks for reading I just wanted to post something about our curriculum choices. We will not however be focusing our day on workbooks. I feel that curriculum has its place in home school especially when it comes to a basic knowledge which I feel essential in life but not solely obtained in a strict curriculum program.

We get all this curriculum for free provided to us by our Home Based Charter program provided to us by the state of CA. There are many Home Based Charter programs for your homeschooling needs, also see Online Home School Programs.  Home Based Charter Schools

Apr 26, 2010

I like To Think Of Unschooling As "Consequential Learning"

Message From A New Unschooling Mom

         I like to think of unschooling as "consequential learning." Learning is a consequence of life and life is a consequence of learning. For us, our daughter is six and so far unschooling is working for us. She sees the logic and reasons behind learning something to accomplish something else. When she learned how to write her name, she used all capital letters. She saw no need to write lower case letters - "Mom, I can already write my name." I could have forced her to practice writing lower case, create issues and a hate for writing. Instead she later wanted to learn how to write lower case letters because she saw how that is how most words are written and she wants to "sign" her name. She had practiced writing lower case letters for almost two hours on her own. Now when I point out that she hasn't practiced in a bit, she will sometime during the day practice in her books. Of course, I leave them conveniently open and ready for her. No fighting! That is just one example of how she is involved in her learning. She also watches PBS shows and we spring off them for extra activities - things she is interested in. I believe it does take an involved parent(s) to see and observe their children to take advantage of learning opportunites based on their child's interests when they happen. Or to let daily life activities teach, for example, as in math and science in cooking . Perhaps when she is older she may require or want a more structured approach. Perhaps...

Unschooling Mom from Michigan

Apr 23, 2010

Unschooled Children Learn Because They Love Life And Learning!

"The Best Way To Learn Is To Teach!"

A great saying but if you are an unschooler you might prefer this one.

"The Best Way To Learn Is To DO!"

I agree with both, unschooling as well as homeschooling is a one of a kind learning experience for the whole family. The parents learn by guided teaching and answering the many questions of a young healthy mind. And the kids learn much, much, more by doing things them self, looking up a topic and searching for the answers. The children learn because they love life and learning! And the topics they study are topics they have chosen to learn.

The fact is you learn and absorbed waaaay more when you are interested in the topic, you have a driving desire to learn it. The information has more value to you, you will remember it and be more likely to use it.. Not only that life experience is a great teacher and can teach us all the subjects as long as we stay active! Homeschooling / unschooling is not for the lazy, but active life loving learners.

If you went to school like me you would probably remember constantly being forced, bribed into learning and absorbing info that you just were not interested in at the time or not at all. It was a chore to learn and not fun ( so not what learning should be about ) and all so they can test you on it later. In unschooling you and your children learn because you want to know about something.

No stickers, or points are earned for learning, or bribed to the child in order that they make them self learn. The only reward is self satisfaction, a great self esteem, and the all around good feelings of bettering ones self.

Not that these things can't be achieved in a school, only that these things are achieved as unschoolers feel in a better way and without all the extra negative stuff that can come out of public school or even a private school. Homeschooling provides a safe place where your children can learn about them self, their family, the world and anything else they are interested in! Apposed to being away from their family 7 hours a day Mon-Fri most weeks a year, were they are taught in a production line fashion.

In conclusion to this post, I feel that homeschooling and unschoolng offer us freedom to learn and grow in the direction our hearts take us. I am glad I am learning about unschooling as well as homeschooling and the best part is I am absorbing everything I learn because I want to learn it.

I love to learn about many things and have only begun my education since I have been an adult. I went to school my whole childhood up until I was 16 years old were I finished school at home. That is when I really started educating my self on topics like health, and exercise. I even loved learning about it so much I got my personal training certification at 18 years old and worked at a gym.

I can honestly say that school taught me how to read, write, spell, and do basic math. My real education was the unschooling I provided myself at the age of 17 when I graduated from high school independent study.

I hope I have inspired you to look into homeschooling and the unschooling philosophy for your family. If you already home school I hope that by me sharing with you what I am learning about it you may also have the desire to continue to learn about this wonderful way of living life with your children!

More from this blog on Unschooling:

Eclectic Homeschooling

What is Unschooling? Home Schooling

The Unschooling Handbook

Jan 31, 2010

Hazards Of Sugar And Kids

Do you notice a change in your kids after they eat sugar?

I wanted to post about sugar and how I have observed it affects my kids and I assume it affects others in a similar way.

Quick story, we decided to go to Disneyland in 05 my son was two and a half years old. I was about five months pregnant with our youngest son and we wanted to get to Disneyland while we had the chance. The first day was good my son did not have a fit and was really behaving well, we hadn't had a treat yet so the second day we had ice cream and let our son have some too.

About ten min after he ate it he had the worst fit, crying, screaming, he wouldn't calm down!
I had some high protein snacks in my bag so I gave my son some cashews I figured the protein would balance out the sugar attack. A soon as he finished those cashews he passed out asleep lol! so we left for a few hours and came back that night. That was the first time we realized just what sugar does to a child and even now several years later we notice a change in our kids behavior when they have a treat, it is really something.

About sugar: I am sure you have heard that sugar is not really that good for you to eat especially high fructose corn syrup I personally would choose real sugar over HFCS any day. Read your labels if you have to by something sweet make sure there is at least real sugar in it.

I noticed one day that a can of soda has about 25 grams of high fructose corn syrup, and one yoplay yogurt as well as other brands has as much sugar or high fructose corn syrup as one soda!
Instead you can buy a good plain yogurt organic is best and at home blend fresh or frozen fruit in a blender with a little honey and add it to your yogurt as you need it this way you can control the sweetness and flavor of your yogurt.

Artificial sugar is not good either and in my opinion real sugar is better, you just don't need to be eating chemical sugars that affect the body in negative ways. I will post more in detail about these things later.

I do like to bake treats and actually I like baking more than cooking, but my favorite treats are healthy treats and I love to find recipes for treats that do not use butter, eggs, refined or artificial sugars, although I do use sugar for somethings I bake but always cut the sugar in half.
I will post some of my favorite recipes like this another day.

Instead of refined sugar, artificial sugar or brown sugar you can use honey, 100% pure maple syrup and brown rice syrup. My favorite is 100% maple syrup, these foods do contain sugar but in a more natural form, they may not be good for diabetics. I do not know how to sub these things for sugar in a recipe, I just find great recipes that already call for these things and there are many out there.

I find that these treats do not affect my kids like refined sugar does and without eggs and butter these treats are very healthy, but they are still treats. Also 100% maple syrup and raw honey have a nutritional content of minerals that we need for a healthy body.

Check out the Hazards Of Sugar post made by Why watch the interesting video please comment if you can.

Dec 30, 2009

Hit Life Harder Than It Hits You! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

This is a quote I made up "Today I will Be Better Than I was Yesterday"! We can always do better, think better, love better, learn better. We must always do our best and more importantly always raise our goals and standards so we can achieve more than we ever thought possible!

Life is not easy sometimes, but I have come to realize it is not meant to be easy!

It is how we handle the tough times that gives us certain results! If you want to get different results than you need to do different things....."The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting different result!" Albert Einstein

If you haven't seen this movie go do it. This is the best part of this movie another great one to watch!

When life hits hard then you hit harder, don't let adversity stop you!

To Your Success!

Dec 29, 2009

I Hope You Had A Great Christmas With Your Family

I can't believe the year is almost done, time goes by so fast but I probably don't have to tell you that lol!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and can start the New Year out fresh.

I know for me I want to get more organized with my home and school stuff, I would like to get more schedule oriented as well. All things we need to work on, I can't stand it when things are unorganized it just makes my brain cluttered as well.

I want to get a few more containers and some shelving with small containers. I need to go threw all of the finished school work and keep what I want/need and chuck the rest.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and home schooling success!

Dec 8, 2009

Free Christmas Color Pages

More Coloring Fun!

Free printable Christmas color pages, many to choose from fun for the whole family!

Christmas Color Pages

Many Wishes!

Free Printable Winter Color Pages

Great Winter Color Pages For Your Family!

Stay home with a cup of hot chocolate, crayons and color pages on the table! A great way to spend a cold winter day!

Here are some winter time color pages your family will love!

Printable Winter Color Pages From DLTK

Winter Color Pages From Apples 4 The Teacher

Other Winter Worksheet Activities

Happy Coloring!

Dec 7, 2009

Free Printable Super Mario Color Pages

I was looking for these for my son who loves Mario Brothers!
Do you have a little guy or girl who would like to color the Super Mario Bros?

I just thought I would post the links just for fun, we love to color!
Super Mario brothers color pages, free printable Super Mario color pages,
Super Mario brothers color pages, free printable Super Mario color pages

Dec 6, 2009

Free Printable Christmas Worksheets

Hello, looking for Christmas worksheets?

I love this site , I always find what I'm looking for on this site. On this site you will find a
ll kinds of free Christmas printables like, Christmas word search, Christmas word jumble, Christmas cross word puzzles, Christmas mazes, and so much more!

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas from my family to yours!

Christmas trees, Christmas tree,

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