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Dec 30, 2009

Hit Life Harder Than It Hits You! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

This is a quote I made up "Today I will Be Better Than I was Yesterday"! We can always do better, think better, love better, learn better. We must always do our best and more importantly always raise our goals and standards so we can achieve more than we ever thought possible!

Life is not easy sometimes, but I have come to realize it is not meant to be easy!

It is how we handle the tough times that gives us certain results! If you want to get different results than you need to do different things....."The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting different result!" Albert Einstein

If you haven't seen this movie go do it. This is the best part of this movie another great one to watch!

When life hits hard then you hit harder, don't let adversity stop you!

To Your Success!

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Joanne .. brilliant clip - we need to be different, show our uniqueness, and never let anyone do us down.

Kids - always try things, don't be frightened .. we all learn so much by doing things we're not too good at .. practise makes perfect!!

Good luck and have a brilliant 2010 - all the best to the family -
Hilary Melton-Butcher
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