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Apr 4, 2009

Latin Language

Home Schooling My Kids In Latin

Learn how to earn income online, with Maverick If you read my other posts you know we are learning Latin, watch that video to see the importance of studying Latin.

Anyway I wanted to share with you about how we are doing it so if you wish you can do it to!

I would love to get the Rosetta stone program but right now it is just not going to happen and we don't have a home school lap top yet either. But I did find a great FREE program see my last post.

I am also reading Latin a Introductory Course Based on Ancient Authors
by Fredrick M. Weelock first pub 1956

It is a great book for adults to learn Latin, then I am creating flash cards so I can teach it to my Kids as well as saying the words daily as we speak and remember the words.

Basically you have to learn it then expose it to your kids daily.

The Best Way To Learn Is To Teach!

Thanks for reading I hope I can inspire you to learn a language if not Latin, I feel it is so important for brain development as well as increasing your intelligence both of which I feel strongly about.

carpe diem ( seize the day )

Apr 3, 2009

Learning Latin

Contact me at Cafe Mom
If you read my post a while back I mentioned I am embarking on a journey of learning Latin and teaching it to my kids, I decided it would be a great gift to learn Latin and teach it to my kids. We are starting slow my kids are ages 2 and 5 but I did find some great free resources to get us started for anyone interested I also found some workbook courses for kids starting very young and it looks great I can't wait to get it for now we are making charts of basic household things and there Latin words so we can begin to learn Latin!

Latin was the universal language for 1500 years and was the peoples language and many could understand it also many other languages come from Latin, we could learn a lot about our English language by studying Latin.

So that is what we are doing it will be so worth it and not something they would teach them in public school and it will benefit them for there whole lives!

Latin Lessons Home Schooling site, To Get You Started!

Apr 2, 2009

Make Your Own Coloring Books for Free! Color pages

Free Coloring Pages

I found this a great selection of printable coloring pages for any occasion!

Have a Great Day!

Apr 1, 2009

Sent out my Red Envelopes Yesterday!

The Red Envelope Project, yesterday on the 31st we sent 5 red envelopes to the "prez" Obama to let him know That the Unborn Deserve Equal Human Rights as all of us do!

The Pro-life message is simple Equal Human Rights for all Innocent Human Beings!

Mar 23, 2009

We Made the Play Dough This Weekend! Play Dough Recipe Great for Home Schooling

We made the play dough and it was easy, I never made the cooked play dough before and I only made the uncooked kind once. We followed the best play dough recipe let it cool and then I divided it in half, I had my son pick the food colores he wanted then I needed the drops of food coloring in with the play dough until it was well blended. The kids love it and the texture is great, it is not sticky and it works great!

I just wanted to tell you about it, I am definitely going to make this again!

Tell me what you think!

Mar 20, 2009

What is Unschooling? Home Schooling

Unschooling forum, Happy Homeschooers group at Have you heard about unschooling?

It is a form of home schooling except the child learns what they are interested in the most.The child has the freedom to learn what they love, many people still incorporate standard book work with this while others may not.

For us we have the workbooks we do for math reading and spelling but everything else we just do what ever we are into and my son has so many questions and wants to know everything so we look things up learn about the holidays as they come up go to the library and get books to answer the questions my son has.

My kids learn reading, writing and spelling with work books but every thing else they learn the most from coloring pages, talking, reading books, asking questions and figuring things out!

One day my son wants to know about dinosaurs so we read a book and discus it the next day it may be something else or we can spend a whole week on one subject.

I consider us half unschooling and half home schooling I am training my kids for life and entrepreneurship not a JOB or to be like every one else. I could not accomplish this sending my kids to a school. I think structure is very important but freedom and knowledge to do and learn what you want is what America and Life is all about!, I like the fact that my kids don't go to school we just have a Passion for learning!  I would like to go unschool when my children have reached the teen years after the 8th grade mark.

Children are naturally curious learners! We need to provide them with an environment that is conducive to that natural ability to learn. Children also learn best when education is not forced on them and will learn when placed in a educational environment not a school.

Unschoolers typically don't use curriculum, tests, especially state testing. Parents are not teachers they are facilitators and only assist the child in learning what the child wants to learn. Education is not forced but done freely, naturally and at the child's lead. They don't use grades or other titles invented by schools that refer to the stage in education the child is at. In unschooling there are no stages of education like grades the child just learns at his own pace. Here are some quotes to help you understand unschooling even more.

To unschool your kids you do have to follow your states home school laws at Getting Started Homeschooling.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~ Albert Einstein

“When you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself.” ~ Jean Piaget

“There are only two places in the world where time takes precedence over the job to be done. School and prison.” ~ William Glasser

“Education is a private matter between the person and the world of knowledge and experience, and has little to do with school or college.” ~ Lillian Smith

“None of the world's problems will have a solution until the world's individuals become thoroughly self-educated.” ~ Buckminster Fuller

“All the time you are in school, you learn through experience how to live in a dictatorship.” ~ Grace Llewellyn

See  this fun post called Famous Home Schoolers

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