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Nov 17, 2017

Fruits, Berries and Melons! Dr. Robert Morse

Fruits, Berries and Melons humans natural food!

   For the past month and a half I have been studying the teachings of Dr. Robert Morse N.D. I stumbled upon him after beginning research on how to cure or get rid of my thyroid nodules. I will spare you the details of my condition but that is pretty much it. This article is about some of the things I have learned from him as well as resources where you can learn too. 

Dr. Robert Morse
   I have always ate a pretty healthy diet with emphasis on whole grains, vegetables, some meat and dairy. I have always prepared my families foods from scratch or purchased a healthier option. Have we been perfect? No way. But as far as the Standard American Diet goes I have always been on the healthier side. Yet, weight gain, low blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, low TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and three thyroid nodules is what I have to show for it. I know some people who are in the same and even worse position who have cancer, heart disease or diabetes to show for there "healthy" diets. 

   I thought, there has to be more to health than that. In fact what our medical community and governments see as "healthy" is actually nothing but a lack of a medical diagnoses. A few trips to the doctor, along with some testing will fix that real good! DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT SAYING DON'T GO TO THE DOCTOR IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY OR LEGITIMATE MEDICAL NEED. I am saying that you are your best advocate to your health and you know when something isn't right with your body especially if you learn what to look for and how to properly cure it. 

   In his book The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration, Dr Morse says "Energy or the destruction of energy results from what we eat, drink, breathe, put on our skin, and from what we think and feel. These are the six ways we either make ourselves healthy, and vital, or sick and weak."

   Diseases don't just happen! Disease or what we think of a disease as being is simply our body trying to tell us something. And "disease" often times takes a lifetime or many years to develope. Obviously the sooner you can recognize problems the sooner and easier you can cure it. It's very simple. If you are suffering from any of the thousands of health conditions that plague our societies than this is for you.

   I have been studying holistic health for a long time and no one that I have come across before Dr. Morse has made so much sense to me. His teachings are about simplicity and helping our body to help itself. Our bodies are nothing short of miracles capable of curing itself. But in order to do that you have to give it what it needs. You wouldn't put peanut butter in your gas tank and expect it to run properly would you? The same goes for our body. If we don't put the right things in and on our body, it won't run properly and we will begin to see problems. "What you eat has a direct effect upon your health." This is true despite what medical doctors may say to you. In fact any doctor that denies this is not worth your time.

Dr. Morse and many others (especially his students on YouTube) teach that a raw vegan diet that is low in protein is the way to go. You also need to avoid health food junk food like tofu, all natural packaged foods, protein shakes, etc.. He teaches that human beings are frugivores by nature and that anything outside of that is toxic to us. This means that raw fruits, berries and melons are our primary food. Raw veggies are also a food source for us but only to be eaten when you are in between detox fasting. Spinach, kale and green leafy veggies alike are your best choices.

Try this for a week and feel the difference! Try consuming raw fruits all day and for dinner have a nice raw spinach and veggie salad with lemon juice for dressing. Stay away from anything packaged. Keep it raw and simple! Cooking renders foods carcinogenic and also promotes acidosis in our systems. "Human beings are the only species that feels like we have to destroy our food before we eat it!" Yes it will be a challenge but haven't you had enough? Let this be a lesson in detachment for you. Begin to detach from worldly foods and experience true health!

Acidosis has to do with the acid build up in our bodies and the cause of all diseases. I have learned that all cancer is are damaged cells and cells can regenerate if given the proper environment. "There is no magic or mystery to health or disease. Disease is a natural process! When we understand how the body works, and what causes the tissues in the body to fail, we will then understand what causes disease symptoms and how to revers it." Allopathic medicine (what we know as traditional medicine) only knows how to treat symptoms (diseases) and has very limited understanding of how the body really works. Whereas the holistic approach is concerned with the cause of the symptoms and eliminating the cause, to eliminate the symptoms or diseases.

I don't know about you but I don't want to go to the doctor with a specific list of symptoms, be diagnosed with a "disease" and given pharmaceutical products to treat my symptoms only while ignoring the cause of the symptoms. This approach cures nothing and only leaves people dependent on drugs for the rest of their lives in most cases, and a lifetime of more sickness! I know, you know what I'm talking about. How many people do you know who are stuck in what I call the "Pharmaceutical Vortex." You may be in one right now! I know, because I was in one once and thank God I am out of it. And doctors don't stop trying to get you locked into one.

Dr Morse teaches that detoxification and the regeneration of cells is the only way to true health and healing! That is what his book is all about I highly recommend that you get a hold of one. I have provided a couple links on this post for you to do just that. Also see the YouTube links so you can learn from Dr. Morse yourself.

Here are some bullet points to help you understand the basics of what Dr. Morse is teaching...

  • Raw fruits, veggies, herbs is primary food/medicine for humans. 
  • Humans are frugivores!
  • We shouldn't destroy our food before we eat it. GO RAW! 
  • Meat and dairy is highly acid forming foods not suitable for a frugivore.
  • The cause of all illness and "disease" is acidosis.
  • Treat the cause not the symptoms.
  • Fruit makes the body alkaline, supplies the body with needed nutrients and hydration.
  • Fruits, berries and melons detoxes the body and regenerates cells.
  • There is no "disease" that can't be cured!
  • There is a difference between a healthy diet and a healing one!

I hope this was a good introduction for you regarding the teachings of Dr. Robert Morse. I want to encourage you to watch his videos, get his book and just get started on your healing process. Take the week challenge that I mentioned above and feel the difference. I want to continue to do some more posts on this subject. If you have any questions please ask me in the comments of this post and I will do my best to answer or direct you to the answer. I will also do more posts on my own journey to optimal health and healing.

God bless you and your journey!

Scroll down for a video to get you started...

The Human Immune System

What does it take to heal the body?

For more information on Fruitarian Living and health please visit my other blog 

Check out my post on Diabetes Cure.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, what are you doing with it? 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please stay tuned for the next one! 

Sep 20, 2017

Chai Tea Spice Mix

Chai Tea Mix (spices only) Recipe

I have made my own Chai Tea mix before using the spices, sugar, non dairy dry milk, non dairy dry vanilla creamer and powdered tea. This makes a nice mix but I am always trying to find healthier and cheaper options. I'm not a fan of those non dairy powdered milks, etc…

So I made this nice spice mix that enables me to use any milk and tea of my choice. Although regular Lipton or black tea works best for this chai tea. For a healthy option use coconut or almond milk.  

This mix is also a great addition to your coffee. Add the spice, milk and sugar to your coffee and make a lovely spiced latte to get you going in the morning. Just use hot coffee instead of tea in water.

2017-09-20 12.47.06.jpg
This is a standard sandwich baggy.
You will need; ground cinnamon, ground ginger, ground cloves, ground cardamom. Traditionally chai is made use additionally black pepper, nutmeg, anise and fennel. But I wouldn't like it with these so I am not including it here.

You will also need black tea, water and milk.

Measure and mix;

4 tsp Cinnamon
4 tsp Ginger
2 tsp Cloves
2 tsp Cardamom

Add all the ingredients together in a dry container or zip lock bag. Mix well. Now you have your own chai spice mix.
This makes about one ounce of mix.

How to make your Chai Tea (makes one cup)

  1. Take a regular size mug and add ¾ cup hot water leaving room in the mug for milk. You can make it as milky as you like by the amount of water you are using. NOTE; You can just add the water to the mug and then microwave for 3 minutes.
  2. Steep 1 tea bag of black tea (Lipton regular is good) in your hot water for 6 min. If you are trying this recipe in coffee do not use the tea.
  3. Then add ⅛ tsp of your spice mix. You can use up to ¼ tsp mix if you like it strong, or you are using a a mug that is more than 8 ounces.
  4. Add the sweetener of your choice. I find 2 tsp of sugar works well and you can definitely use honey or agave. Adjust the sugar accordingly. The sweetness is up to you.
  5. Stir to let spices dissolve well.
  6. Add desired milk to fill the remainder of your cup.

Enjoy :)

This makes a great breakfast tea or a warm and cozy ending to your day. We love Chai Tea in the fall and winter months the best. Not only that, Chai Tea is good for you. Organic is best if you can get it.

What are some of the health benefits of Chai Tea?

The spices that are used in chai are healthy additions to your daily intake. Hot drinks like tea are a great way to provide your body with the medicinal qualities of herbs and spices. Cinnamon and ginger are known for their anti-inflammatory actions as well as their ability to lower cholesterol. Cardamom is said to benefit the lungs and kidneys. While Cloves have antiseptic and pain relieving attributes.

If you haven't figured it out by now all of these spices together with your favorite black tea is a powerhouse of potential health benefits! You can use any wholesome tea or tea drink like chai as a substitute for coffee throughout the day. I for one am a tea drinker. I love green. oolong, or chai tea in the morning sweetened with honey or agave.

I hope you will be making this. It is super easy and nice to have on hand. Drink regularly for possible health benefits.

Please make sure to share this on facebook, twitter and pinterest below this post. And a friendly comment is always appreciated.

Thank you :)

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Apr 10, 2017

Jesus is waiting for a visit with you!

 Jesus is Truly Present body, blood, soul and divinity in The Eucharist (Jn 6) and He is waiting for you to come to Him. The world does not recognize Him in The Eucharist, Do you? You can come and see Him, and be with Him at an Adoration Chapel ask at your local Catholic Church.

He says to us through His word...

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” (Jn 14:21 ESV)

"Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say. The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. Consider the people of Israel:d are not those who eat the sacrifices participants in the altar?" (1 Cor 10:14-18 ESV)


Please check out my bible study articles on The Eucharist...

The Eucharist in Scripture 

I give them life Everlasting

God bless!

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