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Feb 3, 2022

Write 15 minutes a day challenge!

The 15 minute a day writing challenge!

    I recently saw this challenge posted to the social media platform LinkedIn which I recently started using again. I deleted my first account but was not using it anyway. I decide to get back on and see if I could find some opportunities. Anyway I saw this challenge to write on any topic for 15 minutes a day. I think this is doable goal and probably something that I need to be doing anyway. I do like to write and desire to get better at it. So, here it is my first entry in the 15 minutes a day writing challenge! I need to outlet my thoughts daily and writing is a great way to do it. It helps to stay grounded and get those thoughts out into the world. Lately I been busy with my family as always, and spending time with them. I did recently do a post to my Natural Health blog the other day and I think it is a good one. It is called Addiction and the foods killing you! If you are interested in reading it. 

    Writing is one of my passions and I'm always looking for ways to make money doing it. I also have an interest in natural health and helping people. As a mom I feel like I'm naturally drawn towards helping others. I just wish I could help those closes to me even more. I feel like it is harder to get through to your loved ones but I do think I impact more than I know. God knows! I want to keep improving on myself every day and writing about what helps me. My prayer is that I can be a positive influence in people lives. This year I turn 42. The time has gone by so fast and I think back to all the time I wasted on being angry and unhappy. I was thinking the other day that if I die at age 82 I am currently half way through my life. If I die sooner then I have even less time. This is a scary thought but also motivating for me.

    I don't want my next years to be filled with pain, anxiety, stress, and anger. Although in the last few years I have made great improvements in those areas. And I feel positive about life again. Especially since 2017 when I got back on my health journey. Before that I really didn't have a desire to live or improve on myself, at least there was about 10 years there where I didn't. Life just beat me down in many ways! But beginning to losing my health, and my mind a bit got me back to improving on myself again. That is what I been doing once again. I started out so good as a young adult but life has a way of moving through you and if you let it, it can destroy your true self. Not yo mention robbing you of your peace.

      Anyway having the thought of being half way or less through my life so far, it led me to want to make the rest of my life, MY BEST LIFE! So my new motto is LIVING MY BEST LIFE NOW! It was Today I will e better than I was yesterday, and still is. I want to remind myself and others that it's never too late to live well, gain health and live your best life. The past is gone, the future doesn't exist yet, all we really have is NOW! 

 By Joanne Utke

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