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May 16, 2022

Never Binge Again Review

 My Review of the book Never Binge Again

  I recently read a book called Never Binge Again; Reprogram yourself to think like a permanently thin person. I happen to find this book in the Kindle store when looking with my Kindle. It said $0, which is awesome for me so I got it. This book is written very well with a bit of humor. 

Right away I knew this book was something different. The phycology is spot on yet so simple. A simple mind set hack that could help anyone kick any addiction! The book is certainly geared towards mastering your cravings, Never Binging Again and achieving your ideal healthy weight but I see it as so much more. 

No, this is not a quick fix and does NOT take the place of the hard work that is needed to accomplish Never Binging again. This is a simple phycology hack that you can use to once and for all be in control of what you put into your mouth. 

The mind set hack in this book reminds me of The Wizard of OZ movie when Dorothy realizes that the power (to go home) was with her all along. This book will help you to realize that YOU AND ONLY YOU HOLD THE POWER TO NEVER BINGE AGAIN! Finally taking control over your disordered eating habits. The author Glenn Livingston reminds the reader that they are the ones who pick up that harmful food, and shove it into their mouth. 

So the concept behind this phycology hack is pretty simple and will help you if you do the work. It is about recognizing that, the part of you that binges, is not you. Not the real you that wants to be healthy and skinny. The part of you that is so primitive it can't help but shove whatever it is in front of you, no matter how damaging it may, into your mouth. This primitive part of our brain he calls the Lizard brain. Basically it is the part of you that wants only to eat, sleep, kill and mate.

You know, that part of you that ate that whole cheese pizza the other day! Or that thing inside of you that keeps eating candy by the bag full even thought you already spent five grand on fixing your teeth. How about the idiot who keeps eating junk food even though losing twenty pounds would be the best thing ever?! I think you know who I am talking about? I certainly do. 

In Never Binge Again you will learn that #1 that person who cares very little for health, and happiness is NOT YOU, but your destructive alter ego Lizard Brain. This is the part of every one of us that is literally trying to destroy itself. This Lizard does not care about health or the future. It only cares about momentary pleasure no matter what the cost. It is not the part of you that wants to be healthy and actually have a future! 

In this book Glen teaches us how to identify this part of us, call it out, and put it in its cage where a disgusting lizard belongs! Now this language may seem harsh but that is just it. You have to despise this part of you. Why? Because it hates you and wants to harm you. He/she does not want you to be healthy just fat, and blinded by how much you can actually control. 

This side of you cares nothing for your future just how much you can eat at your local fast food restaurant! In the book Glenn constantly reminds us that this thing inside of you that you hate is not you. So I need to emphasize that here. This is not about hating yourself. Just that part of you that you can't seem to get a hold of. It is the reason why you are addicted to the foods and substances that are literally killing you! 

I know my life will never be the same after reading this and implementing the technique. It is so simple and juvenile but exactly what I needed to here. I was just half way into the book when I wrote a letter to that horrible side of myself. I told him to stay away and that he was not welcome anymore. You can do this too. Just makes it a bit more real. I also followed Glenn's guidance on creating a food plan. I don't know why I didn't think of it but the food plan is a common sense masterpiece. 

Glenn does not tell you what to eat or anything like that. We are all grown ups and know what foods hurt us and which ones harm us. But he taught me how to lay out my food plan in a way that identifies my NEVER EATS, ALWAYS EATS, CONDITIONAL EATS, and UNRESTRICTED EATS. This is genius and I wonder why I never thought of it.  

I feel like this one thing alone, if you follow it can change your life for the better. A food plan like this takes out the guesswork no matter what the situation may be. In the book Glenn tells us to write it all out too. I wrote it out and place it in my pocket that way I always have it to reference if there is any doubt at any moment. Then I just go tot do the work and NEVER BINGE AGAIN. 

I love this book and Glenn Livingston's common sense, psychological hack that anyone can do. It really is genius and very well written book. It is also free on Amazon or on the Never Binge Again website along with other free resources to help you. Don't knock it down until you try it! Get the book, read it, implement it, do the work it takes and remember the best way to NEVER BINGE AGAIN, is to NEVER BINGE AGAIN!    

You just need the tools and the mind set that you need to cage that beast! 
I believe this book is just what you need to do just that. 

By Joanne UTke

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