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Showing posts with label home school advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home school advice. Show all posts

Apr 8, 2009

Home Schooling One of The Hardest Best Things You Will Ever Do!

Maverick Money Makers, Education in Money Making the whole family can do together, Home Schooling, Education in Affiliate Marketing
    We are almost done with our first year home schooling and it went well, we could definitely be more organized. I call this last year the Kick back year or the trial year, this is all new to me but we are getting there, I wasn't going to start until this year but my son was eager so we took IMPERFECT ACTION and got started last year and I am glad we did my son has learned so much in the last school year it is amazing!

I am proud to say that we worked together on it and accomplished our goals. was it difficult? At times yes, just like anything we have ups and downs and those priceless moments as well.
I feel home schooling is one of the hardest best things I can ever do for my kids! But I do it and will be doing it for about 15 years counting my youngest in on this as well, I am in it for the long haul and there is no turning back for me I am dedicated and determined because I feel it is best for my kids and our family, why I decided to home school.

For those who are starting out now or in the future, think about all of the benefits and the risks although there is little risk and it all depends on you and how hard you work for the education of your children. Home Schooling will work for your family if you all work together and make it happen!

Home Schooling also requires some sacrifice, of course as a parent/teacher you are taking on another role if you are a stay at home mom, you can add on the tile of Teacher as well. You will also have to get real good at making a single income work for your family for many years, if you are already a single income family and our making it work then great! For us we both stay home I mostly teach and do the stay at home mom thing and my husband works online our goal is financial freedom so we can do more for our kids in the future. We want to do our best to teach our kids about life, fiances, how to make money, how to be financially independent and for us it is and will be for years to come our family business!

You will also have to sacrifice some of, well most of your time to educate your children, for me it is totally worth it I am a home body anyway LOL! Anywhere I go my kids go 99% of the time. We go to the park and many other places and when we are home it is school time for the most part although I consider life school time, my kids don't go to school we simple educate our selves daily and my kids love to learn through workbooks and activity.

For us this is all worth it and the best for us, I hope it is for you too if not that's OK just remember to do your best and if your kids are or will be going to school then all I can say is be involved all the time know everything about your kids, there friends, the Teachers and the school itself. These days school are getting by teaching things to children way before they are ready to know some things, school is a microcosm of the world and not just the good stuff!

My Home Schooling articles you may have missed:

Home Schooling and Traditional Schooling How do They Compare?

The Broken System
Homeschooling Socialization

My top 10 reasons to home school plus Tips and advice from Home schoolers!

Home School Options, and Home School Law

My articles are not to long, and I know you will get something out of them my goal is to assist you in getting information on home schooling and all that is involved with it I hope you enjoy my articles, comments always appreciated!

Click on the picture above for a Life Changing Educational Experience if you so choose to Take Action!

Feb 18, 2009

Home Schooling VS Traditional Schooling

So How Do Homeschoolers Do Comparatively?

Socially: There is a common myth that homeschooling produces social misfits. This myth partially arises from an assumption that traditional education systems provide “normal” socialization activities.

Dr. Raymond Moore, in his book Better Late than Early writes that “The idea that children need to be around many other youngsters in order to be ‘socialized’ is perhaps the most dangerous and extravagant myth in education and child rearing today."

There is ample research that indicates that because home schooled students are exposed to a wider variety of people and situations, they learn to get along with a variety of people, making them socially mature and better able to adjust to new situations.

In their Communities: Many non-homeschoolers believe that homeschooling can turn out better students, but because homeschool students are educated in greater isolation from the world, they are less politically and socially involved. This concern comes at a great time, for homeschoolers at least.

The first generation of homeschoolers has now grown up and entered the workforce. Dr. Ray surveyed over 7,000 adults who had been home schooled and compared them against their more traditionally educated peers. His research found that:
Ninety-five percent of homeschoolers had an adequate comprehension of politics and government, compared to 65% of U.S. adults.

Seventy-one percent of homeschool graduates participate in ongoing community service
activities, including politics, compared to 37% of adults in similar ages.

Eighty-eight percent of HS graduates are members of organizations (community groups, church, or professional organizations) compared to 50% of U.S. adults.

Significantly, 76% of homeschool graduates voted in a national or state election within the past 5 years, compared to 29 percent of similar U.S. adults.

For More on this article, go to Home School facts

Feb 15, 2009

Getting Started Home Schooling

Getting Started Home Schooling

cafe mom, homeschooling groups, home school moms Getting Started is easier than you may think, I will go threw some steps this week in this blog that you can take when you are ready to get started. Home Schooling Works all you really need is some information, confidence and believe you are doing the right thing and never look back!

1: What are the home school laws in your state? Find out the laws read about them and find out what home school options you have available to you were you live.

Ask questions get to know other home schooling families, at the park, church, home school organizations, Internet and other sources.

Get the Facts Make up your mind if this is something you want to do for sure then just do it, Believe YOU CAN and you are half way there!

Other posts with the same topics:

Home School Options, and home school law

The info I provide is meant to be a guide for you, you still need to do your own research so you can make informed choices for your family.

Thanks For Reading!

Feb 12, 2009

The Broken System!

In my opinion the public school system is designed for failure!

Yes I said it, I am not saying it is all bad either, I am just saying that the focus is not on the kids and a quality education!

I am also not saying it is all the schools fault and I am certainly not blaming those hard working Teachers! I know that most kids will graduate eventually and of course we are all better off with a broken system than no system at all!
cahomeschoolmom, tweeter getter

I personally believe that you will always have a certain number of people/kids who will overcome and succeed no matter what, and there are those that will have trouble and quit no matter what. This has nothing to do with school, in fact those who succeed probably don't need school anyway!

What I am saying is that the school system is not about the kids, and the families, at least based on results its not. Today in our schools we have junk foods, soda, candy, all being sold to the kids who are supposed to be there to learn. How can they learn after eating all that junk food!

The schools could supply the kids with plenty of water, juice and healthy snacks and a  healthy lunch, that is if they really cared how well a child learned!

To many children per teacher, and students who do not know what they should for their age grade level is a big problem, schools are letting kids fly by with little accountability for the sake of getting them out of the school.

Many kids are far behind. and falling threw the cracks. While other kids are board, and get very little out of the classroom setting. In fact the classroom setting is not conducive to most Children's learning!

Teachers have told me that most of their students know very little for their age, and the curriculum that is meant for their grade level is way to hard for them, and they don't meet government standards. They also have told me that they are not able to go into depth with subjects, and it just leaves the kids more confused.

The schools spend millions of dollars on curriculum that is not at a educational level for the kids it is meant to be used for. The problem is the kids should be able to use the curriculum, they just have not been in environments (school) that are the best for learning.

The teachers have many regulations that they must follow, some are good but some are just damaging to the kids and the regulations do not allow the teacher to be creative, and teach the kids in the way's that they need the most!

I mentioned before that it is not the Teachers fault, and it is not necessarily the schools fault either. I do not want to put blame on anyone because that is not right, but I am saying that our kids are treated this way because we allow it! Imagine what would happen if a large town went on strike and took their kids out of school, and started teaching them at home?

What do yo think would happen?
What if whole states did this?

I would tell you what would happen, the schools, and the government would Freak out! Fear of lost revenue would take them over, and they would begin making the necessary changes.

Remember we are the consumers, the schools are a business, they provide us with a service, if we don't like the service we are getting, only we can change that!

That goes for everything, the medical industry the government etc....

For me I am home schooling because I feel it is the right thing to do, and I have very little confidence in the school system, and I really don't feel my kids could be the best they can be using the traditional school system. I understand that the responsibility falls on the parents and I am not going to take that for granted.

Parents are our first natural teachers.

This post is mostly a message of responsibility, I want you to know that we have the power, it is our responsibility to make sure our kids get the education they deserve!

We live in the Untied States of America, For the People By The People!

Whether that is home schooling or going to school, our kids deserve the best, and only we can give it to them!

Only we can demand it for them!

Personally I would do anything for my kids including giving up my time, and material things so I could stay at home. and educate them my self. For me the most important things is family, values, health and knowledge.

Parents if you have to cancel the cable, drive an older car, never eat out again and quit buying things you don't need, wouldn't that be worth being able to work less and/or have one parent at home to raise the kids the best way possible?

Never put money or a job before your family!!

  • Quit doing the same things over and over expecting different results! INSANITY!
  • Quit allowing the systems to scam you out of a better life, TAKE ACTION!
  • It all starts with you, and your family, help yourself, and you will be able to help others.

Feb 10, 2009

Home Schooling Forums

I found this site and think it is a great way to connect with other Homeschoolers as well as learn more about home schooling. This site has tons of information!

Home school forum

Feb 2, 2009

Home Business

Teaching kids About Business is Fun for the Whole Family!

homeschooling, home business, darren utke, work at home In this world good business skills is critical and in these modern times, Internet business skills is even more important.

The Internet has opened many doors for business Entrepreneurs and thousands are Making Thousands

The young people today have so much going for them, they have the opportunity to literally Create Massive Wealth before they are even 30 years old!

As parents we have a responsibility to incorporate business skills in our children's life. We have a responsibility to teach our kids to think out side of the box and to be great Leaders not followers!
We have a responsibility to encourage Entrepreneurship in our homes and to our children!

Before the Internet owning and operating a business was expensive and there was so much that went into it. Now thanks to the Internet you can literally start a business for as little as 5 or 10 dollars!

Imagine owning your own business that the whole family will love and can work on together daily or even just a few days a week.

Get to gather as a family discus the family business, marketing, advertising and communication skills like when talking to prospects/customers.

What do you think that can do for the education of your kids?

Do you feel a background like that would give your kids a head start in life?

What do you think this can do for family bonding and communication?

I see so much potential in this world of Internet business and home schooling, that is what we do with our kids we own several online businesses which we run full time and when our kids are a little older we will get them started on businesses of there own, that the whole family can participate in!

For now we talk with our kids about money, business, marketing and advertising.

We talk with our kids about entrepreneurship and how to be a Leader!

We want to encourage you all especially home schooling families to get involved with online business and entrepreneurship, I really feel it is so important and can be a great addition to your home schooling curriculum.

Contact me anytime if you want to know more about what kinds of businesses would be best to get started with we have many to choose from and they all come with The best support and Training on the net!

Remember what you do not know will be used against you in this world and our children are no exception shouldn't we teach them the things they will need most in life?

And it wouldn't hurt to make some additional income either!

To your success!

From Joanne and Darren Utke
Click on the image above for more info on Home Business.

My Blog for Creating Wealth Online!

Jan 22, 2009

Reading and Phonics Curriculum

     I know that starting out homeschooling can be overwhelming and scary especially when you know very little about the curriculum available, this post is meant to give you ideas about what other home schoolers use, recommend and have worked best for there kids!

My son is in K and we are doing the Primary Phonics workbooks plus easy readers and Explode the Code workbooks. I love these programs for Phonics and Reading it is so easy to use and to the point and my son loves it! He is 5 and is reading at a 1st grade level with these programs I highly recommend them!

Primary Phonics and Explode the Code by

Reply your recommendations to this post, which programs have you used and what do you like about them?

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