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Showing posts with label the best speech you will ever hear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the best speech you will ever hear. Show all posts

Dec 15, 2017

Best Speech You Will Ever Hear #2 - Go Vegan !

This was an incredibly eye opening presentation! 

   With my background study in health and striving to live a healthier life. I have always wanted to eat a vegan diet. This has kinda been a dream of mine :) For one, it is the healthiest way to live, provided that you are consuming lots of raw fruits and veggies. And two, it's a cruelty free way of eating. I have always loved animals and never would want to cause them harm. Yet I would eat hamburgers, yogurt and cheese with little thought into the process of obtaining these products.

That is the disconnect that he is talking about here. We wouldn't eat our family pet for dinner! So, why a cow, or pig, and even chicken? All animals, like your dog, is a thinking and feeling creature. They are capable of suffering like all of us. But, we seem to think that causing them unnecessary suffering is some how our right as human beings. Sure, suffering is a part of life for all of us man and animal. But does that mean that give us the right to cause suffering? Absolutely not! Americans already are animal fat and protein overloaded. To show for this heart disease kills 610.000 every year! And that's not from eating a plant based low fat, high carbohydrate diet. That's from consuming animal products folks!

In addition to always striving to live a healthy life, I have always considered myself a 100% pro-life person. This means that I am opposed to capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide. All cruelty based actions in my opinion must be avoided as much as possible. I prefer to support only actions with positive ends in mind for all involved. You may or may not agree with me on one or all of these, but that is not my point here. My point is. Wouldn't it be a better and more happier world if we always strive to live our lives cruelty free in all areas of our life? Why Not? Why choose to kill when we don't have to? Humans were designed to be plant based eaters and I will add primarily fruit. Click here for an introduction to Fruitarian Living. How about a Step by Step plan to go plant based?

After watching this video I sensed the disconnect in my own mind and I began to think about it. In fact I have thought about this many time,s but I guess this time I was ready to change. It's about loving all of God's creatures and to love we need to make loving actions. Animals are best left in nature and not on our plates! Love yourself more go vegan.

Anyway, watch the talk! Let me know what you think in the comments. Keep in mind that I will not be debating here about life issues. I just believe murder in any form is wrong and so it killing animals. It's just not necessary to cause any extra suffering in this world. Don't we have enough? We don't need meat and it's better for our planet to grow food rather than raise it. We certainly don't need to consume animal products as long as we got plants to consume. Why would you want to eat dead things anyway? Just my thoughts. I really enjoyed the talk and I will never be the same.

Please like and share with your friends. Go vegan! 
Try it for a week and feel the difference.

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