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May 10, 2009

Dixie Chicks Lullaby

I love this song Happy Mothers Day! Hug Your Kids!

Mothers Day Quotes

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. ~Marion C. Garretty, quoted in A Little Spoonful of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul

A man's work is from sun to sun, but a mother's work is never done. ~Author Unknown

Apr 30, 2009

Believe You Can And You Will Do What it Takes!

sky, believe achieve, clouds
"Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results,but first you have to believe."

~Mark Victor Hansen

This is so true and applies to anything you will ever aspire to do in your life, applying it to home schooling this quote reminds us we must believe we can do it, believe our children are worth it! Then you can take the steps necessary to doing it and making it work for you family!

I found this quote on a Friend of mines great blog called Believe Achieve, this blog is full of inspiring and motivating stories and quotes,

take a look and as always comments always appreciated.

Apr 29, 2009

Teaching Kids About Sex and At What age?

Home Schooling, Teaching Sex Edd Is A All The Time Thing!

I wanted to post a little about this because it is important, my kids are young right now soon to be six and three so we haven't gotten into the details about this yet. I think that the sex talk should not be a talk at all but a discussion that takes place often and with age appropriate information for there whole life.

This is one reason I am home schooling I don't want my kids to be exposed to this topic in anyway to early in life and by the wrong people like piers and other adults in the schools.
I believe information/knowledge is key throughout all our lives but at the right times for kids especially if they are curious, don't let your kids be curious at the wrong people and be at risk for the wrong information!

For us it started at 2 and a half when my son ask me "wheres your penis Mom? Yes it caught me of gard, so I got a good book it was titled Amazing You by Gail Saltz for pre schoolers about private parts and what they are used for and we read it and talk about it often to this day when he asks me.

My son is now almost six but we have discussed fetal development and pregnancy especially when I was pregnant with his brother a few years ago, we look at pictures of babies growing in there Mothers and how the sperm and the egg come together and make a baby. We also discuss a female menstrual cycle this came up when my son asked me, so when he asks I tell him about it. The only thing I have left out for now is the sex part as you can imagine he is only six.

He is so full of questions and is always thinking, the other day we read a couple books about spring time and Honey Bees, in the Honey Bee book it talked about how the bees all have a job to do and the drones only job is to mate with the Queen, so my inquisitive son had to ask me all about that to, the book didn't go into details about it so I didn't either.

What brings me to this subject is that this morning my son is asking me about it again and I can see his brain working and wondering just how it happens, he knows the male has to fertilise the females egg to make a baby but he knows something is missing in that information and I know it is only a matter of time before he is asking me HOW? I am going to answer his questions as they come along like I always have and just do my best!

For now he thinks marriage has something to do with it and that is a good thing he is still young for further info but the more we learn about the animals the more he wonderes. I am just glad that I am home schooling and he is able to ask us the questions he wants answers to instead of piers at school or some mixed up sex ed class they so eagerly want to get the kids involved in at some schools, we are a Conservative family as far as our values go so I would not be happy with any info that a school would provide my children with.

I was in the fifth grade when the public school I went to gave us condoms and showed us with a banana how to use them, I still remember that and for me I had no idea what I was being told and it left me curious and I went to Friends to learn more and that was not a good idea. I know now that my parents should have been open with me and then I would have came to them, I am doing things different with my own kids.

You probably have heard it before but in these crazy times you got to educate your kids on these things, openly honestly and often with age appropriate information, encourage your kids to come to you when they seek an answer and let them know it is OK to discuss things as often as they like don't forget to add your values, values are most important.

For my other son he is asking too so we will be getting that book again and beginning our discussions with him as I did with my oldest.
When my kids are older I will tell them more and the focus will be on fetal development, pregnancy, the rolls of the Father and Mother, morals, values and abstinence being a pro-life Mom they will be told about BC but not as a option to avoid pregnancy they will understand how it works and why, something I wish I was told as a young person.

We home schoolers have an advantage but this is still so important for any family!

Thanks for reading comments always appreciated!

Apr 27, 2009

Latin Curriculum Home Schooling

Latin Curriculum resources that I have found.

I will be updating this post as I find new resources to tell you, for those who want to get some language curriculum.

The Latin is not so tough workbooks and more a full on Language curriculum for your home schoolers!

I am getting this one as soon as possible The Latin is not so tough Starter Kit the second starter kit, this one is made for the early learner it has the first 3 workbooks plus answer keys and flash cards and more!

This curriculum looks great and I can't wait to get it, I will be searching the net for revues and see what others think but for now it looks like just what I am looking for!

Greek n Stuff

Talk Now Language Course

For a Christian based Latin Course it was recommended to me the Prima Latina.

Apr 26, 2009

Healthy Banana Oatmeal Sponge Cookies

Healthy Banana Oatmeal Sponge Cookies
Had some bananas and wanted to make some cookies, this recipe is good and healthy and they are like mini banana breads! Easy to make and the kids will love to help and eat them..
12 -18 cookies

1 cup mashed ripe banana
2 cups oatmeal
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup applesauce
1/3 cup raisins
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


1 Heat oven to 350 degrees.
2 Mix all ingredients until moist.
3 (I use old-fashioned rolled oats, but imagine you could use quick-cook oats instead).
4 Mixture will be gooey and sticky.
5 That is normal.
6 Drop by tablespoonful onto ungreased baking sheet.
7 Flatten to desired thickness and shape, as cookies WILL NOT spread on baking.
8 Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
9 Remove to wire rack to cool.

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