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Nov 23, 2009

Something I Have Noticed

She Said To The Other Girl "Stupid Whore"

  Today my kids and I went for a walk to the park, which we love to do! It was after two and schools had let out, it is not the first time we have been at the park at this time. Well the teenagers like to congregate at the park without parents or adult supervision I will add, especially this one which has a skate park, I do not mind to much as long as they are respectful and that rarely happens unfortunately!

I have noticed how teens just have little to no respect for anyone! I am generalizing I know there are many great respectful well taught teens ( I assume most are home schooled lol!) I am joking a little.

Seriously though I was there with my young children and there were many other young children too. The teenagers were shouting out the F word over and over and they were just playing and I guess having fun. Many other cuss words came out of there mouths usually I say something but there were a lot of teens and I decided to just let it go, but I am telling you all now.

Another thing I noticed is the way the boys were treating the girls and how some of the girls were treating each other! The boys cuss at the girls in conversation! And one girl walked by me and my children and shouted to her friend "stupid Whore" and she was only trying to get her attention there was no arguing going on. I have also heard girls call each other bitches and many other degrading terms, this has been going on since I was a teen. What is going on have the girls settled for the disrespect the boys give them and turn it on to each other?

I see this over and over again, it is very sad, I am glad my kids do not go to school and I can teach them the proper ways to treat human beings, unfortunately the things I have mentioned are learned behavior and these kids are getting it from peers at school and many of them sadly I assume get it at home!

Something is wrong here and I do not even blame schools, I blame the parents!

I am happy to say that I also meet great parents and children all the time and I am thankful to know them!

I only can teach my kids the right things and pray that these kids I mentioned and their parents mature enough to see the error of their ways!

Nov 22, 2009

Free Pre School Sites

Awesome Site For Pre Schoolers, It Is Fun Learning With Games!

Hello I just wanted to share with you about this great site for pre schoolers called kneebouncers. This is the kind of thing pre schoolers love and they will learn so much, we checked it out and I was happy to see it was very easy for my pre schooler this site has one key controls so all the pre schooler has to do is hit one key and they can easy play on this site, without using the mouse!

Also check out starfall for pre schooler needs, star fall also educates elementary grads as well.
Star Fall is a phonics learning site and they make it super easy for kids to learn how to read!

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Please comment tell us what you think about the sites!

Nov 21, 2009

Mike Huckabee, Chuck Norris & Michael Farris: The Government Wants To Raise Your Children

Chuck Norris On Obama Care Dirty Secrets!

You can read the article by Chuck Norris reffered to in the video titled:

Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare

Other articles by Chuck at World Net Daily

Nov 20, 2009

Home School Regulations

What States Are Best For Home Schooling?

There are four levels of homeschooling regulation in this country:

1. states with essentially no regulations.
2. states with low regulations.
3. states with moderate regulations.
4. states with high regulations.

States with no regulations are the best for home schooling. The more strict the regulations the less freedom parents have to teach their children how they want, when they want and what they want! For us this is important while, we do agree with teaching kids the basics, children should not be slaves to curriculum or doing the same things everyday. Home schooling should be free with the whole family learning what they love!

Many states allow home schoolers the freedom and flexibility in their curriculum's, and in the amount of time they decide to spend on educational activities. Currently, there are 10 states that fall into this category: Idaho, Alaska, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Connecticut, and New Jersey. These states require no notification. They do not have to notify the district in any way of their intent to homeschool. There are no forms to fill out, no phone calls to make. Even if one decides to pull their child from public school in order to begin homeschooling, there is not even a form to sign.

The states which have low regulations, require only that the parent notifies the district in writing of their intent to homeschool a child of compulsory attendance age. These states are also highly home school friendly as they require no testing, no reporting, and no home visits. Currently there are 15 states which fall into this category: , Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas,Mississippi, Alabama, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Delaware and Washington D.C.

States with moderate regulations, require written parental notification, they also require state standardized test scores and professional evaluation of the homeschooling students' performance. If the district within which the homeschooling family resides felt, after this testing and evaluation, that the homeschool was not fulfilling its legal requirement to educate the student to the state's standards, they could revoke that family's right to homeschool. These states are not considered overly homeschooler friendly. Currently 20 states implement this program: Washington, Oregon, Colorado, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, Maine, and Hawaii.

The strictest level of homeschooling regulation in our country, requires notification, mandatory state testing, professional evaluation, and may also include curriculum approval, reporting of hours and progress, teaching certification of the parent and home visits by state officials. These states would not be considered the best for homeschoolers, knowing this info I would not live in one of these states. They are not homeschooler-friendly, allow little to no flexibility, and may just be states that homeschoolers prefer to avoid all together. Fortunately for most homeschoolers, there are only 6 states which currently fall into this category: Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

States may very in their enforcement of regulations. Some states may or may not have some of the regulations listed, this info is intended to be general you still must do your own research for your state and each individual state. My article is not a substitute for your own research and what is best for your family!

Now that you know this important info if you are planning on home schooling and moving consider the home school laws in the state you choose it could mean the freedom to home school your kids the way you feel is best for them. You know your children the best and in time learn the ways that is best for the learning of your children. Children should also be free to choose what they learn, learning the things that interests them the most.

Thanks for reading please comment!

To Your Families Success!


For more on state home school laws visit HSLDA

Nov 14, 2009

Getting Discouraged About Home Schooling

We All Do It! Getting Discouraged About Home Schooling

Digital Product Boot Camp One of the very real things about home schooling is that it is hard sometimes, and I think many moms including myself sometime don't want to admit it, we get discouraged! Maybe me more then some, I don't know. We have only been doing it for two years now and some days it is good my kids do real well and get things done as do I, but some times it just seems like it will never work!

We have a chart to follow on school days to keep us on track, the problem is if we get up to late or I wake up to tired to wake the kids up then the whole day is shot! I hate doing school work after noon and I have so much other things I need to get done in the house too!

I get discouraged often these days, I am the Mom, the Teacher, the house keeper, the cook, the shopper, the peace keeper lol! Add turning thirty soon and mood swings, oh and I need to loose fifteen lbs too! Add that together and you got your self discouragement lol!

I am sure many of you can relate.

I wanted to post this because I want to be real and not try to pretend it is all good and I am super woman. No I am not going to quit home schooling I still stand by my decision and feel it is best for my kids despite its challenges. I understand and hope you all do that home schooling is not just about teaching our kids and educating them about the world it is also about personal growth.

For home schooling to work for us we need to change the things about our self that may stand in the way of achieving our goal. And children need to understand that home schooling is a family effort and requires all involved to do their best!

Nothing worth doing is easy!

I stand by that and live by that daily, home schooling is so worth it and the benefits for my kids and yours are tremendous, I try not to take it to seriously and just have fun and enjoy having my kids with me on a twenty four seven basis lol! I need to take some time for myself and so do you don't forget that!

Thanks for reading!

From Joanne

Free Printable Thanksgiving Color Pages

Turkey Coloring Pages and More Thanksgiving Color Pages

Digital Product Boot Camp

Thanksgiving is almost here, I can't believe it! Time goes by so fast and I can't say I look forward to the holidays. But I do like to eat stuffing, my Dad makes a great chestnut stuffing but it seems like never enough. I was looking around and went on that blog I posted about before, this blog is a great resource for free printable color pages and he has a Thanksgiving post now so I wanted to share it with you I am going to get some print ables for us to color for the thanksgiving holiday. Really cute pictures too!

Free Thanksgiving Printable Color Pages

I wish you well!

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