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Dec 6, 2009

Free Printable Poinsettia Flower Craft

Free Printable Instructions For Great Holiday Crafts!

Hello, I found this great holiday craft idea, it is easy to make and would be great as Christmas decorations. Paper Poinsettia Flowers, for ages four and up, great for your home school. Get a book about poinsettia flowers and make it a whole learning experience as well as fun! My kids loved this and yours will too!

poinsettia flowers, poinsettia craft idea, poinsettia crafts for kids

Free Printable Christmas Worksheets

Hello, looking for Christmas worksheets?

I love this site , I always find what I'm looking for on this site. On this site you will find a
ll kinds of free Christmas printables like, Christmas word search, Christmas word jumble, Christmas cross word puzzles, Christmas mazes, and so much more!

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas from my family to yours!

Christmas trees, Christmas tree,

Dec 2, 2009

Positive Letters

poinsettias, christmas flowers, Merry Christmas, holiday flower
Hello, I wanted to introduce you to one of our friend's, Hilary. We met her at an event last year and she was so very nice. She has a wonderful blog called Positive Letters, it's full of great stories and information. She reminds us that in life each and every event is an opportunity to learn something new and we can do it all year, every year, any day!

Take a look!

Christmas tree, Merry Christmas,

Home Based Charter Schools

      A home based Charter is a public Charter school that offers a home based schooling program available to us in our town. They do use state curriculum and all rules apply the same as any public school. The difference is the parents not teachers or schools are in control. 

We get several curriculum choices and can use the curriculum as we see best for our child. We have an advisory teacher for support and to help us use and choose curriculum if we need it. We keep attendance and have to turn that in as well as 3 work page samples once a month, which is very easy and the requirements are very reasonable. 

Not unlike what we would have to do anyway if homeschooling privately. They also offer extra curricular classes and events which are not required but an added bonus. Our advisory teacher who is a certified teacher also home schooled her own 3 children so she knows the game! 

California is a low regulation state for home schooling see Home School Regulations.
We have chosen to use the Charter program so I wanted to give you an update on how it's all going. What are your Home School Options ?

With this program we have a advisory teacher who is available during the week and we see about once a month. She was a home school mom to her three children, they are now grown. She assist us in curriculum selection and all curriculum is provided for free from the school, as well as any other workbooks we may need. The also give us vouchers to buy school supplies at the school stores, we love this!

They offer classes for my children to attend and we love the science class at the local nature museum. At the school there is other resources, and materials for us to use as well.

I am thankful to have this program right in our town, there are many home based charter schools to choose from and you would have to check with you state to find programs like this for your family. You may also be able to use a online charter program depending on were you live but I think this is pretty widely available.

The problems with a program like this in my opinion is, we do have to use state standard curriculum for now this is fine but in the future I may not want to use a state run curriculum.

We do however get to use any curriculum we choose but we do not have the option of the state paying for it, for example a religious curriculum etc.

Starting in 2nd grade children have to participate in state testing and we do have to turn in attendance and progress records, ideally I do not like it but I understand why it is done, and it helps me to have a record of our hard work.

If you are just starting out like we were last year, then a program like this may be right for you. If you home school already I want to know about your school, do you go threw a program like ours or do something else?

Nov 29, 2009

The Pursuit of Happyness

This is from the movie Pursuit of Happiness with will smith I just watched it for the third time we really love this move and his has such a power message. This is one of my favorite parts, he realises what he had said to his son.

If you haven't seen this movie you are missing out, it is a great movie!

Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't do something!

Protect your dreams!

Pursue your dreams, make it happen! No one else will do it for you!

It will be hard to do and others will tell you, you can't do it, only because they are not willing to do it them self!

Encourage your kids, tell them they can do anything!

To Your Success!

Nov 27, 2009

A Great Project, My Six Year Old Is Doing

proud to be an american homeschooler, home schooling, american homeschooling
The other day my son and I were discussing what an average is, after I explained it to him he was wondering what the average favorite color was. I told him why don't you take a survey! He really liked the idea and I felt it would be a great project for him to do, he decided to survey one hundred people, asking them what their favorite color is. Today we bought a little pocket note book for him to record his findings and while we were at the park he asked eighteen people of all ages for starters. After he records his findings he will create a graph to show which color was favored more. When we go somewhere he will have is notebook so he can continue his research.

What your child will learn from this project: I think this is a great project idea because it teaches graphing, surveying and getting an average.

It also teaches public communication skills, "Hi My name is Hayden I am doing a survey can I ask you a quick question?" politeness, and real socialization skills, Imagine that lol!

Your kids can do this project as well they can pick what ever topic they choose to conduct their survey, for older kids they can choose a topic suitable for them my son is six so favorite color is appropriate.

Just make sure you are with your children supervising them, because this project requires talking with other people you and child may not know.

Thanks for reading!

To Your Success!

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