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Showing posts with label discipline is key to success. Show all posts

Feb 8, 2022

Master your day to live your best life!

 Master your day to live your best life now! 

        I have found that it is often difficult to even master the day, let alone the week or month. This can be really discouraging but it is all a matter of planning and discipline. I touched on this a bit in the last post about living your best life. Having a plan is key to mastering your day so that you are ready to face the next one. Discipline is really the key here! A good plan is only has good as the discipline to carry it out. When it comes to discipline, practice makes perfect, 

First you got to believe that you are worth it! You deserve to be more in control of your day and your life. Every day when you wake up say "I deserve the changes that I am making" or "I deserve to live my best life."  What ever it is, being positive and saying empowering things to yourself is a great start. You can't wait around waiting for people to cheer you on. You need to be your own cheerleader! This is something that I have learned in my life, if you don't take yourself seriously, no one will. 

Focus on what you can control first hand! You have more control over your life than you think. When you wake up put on your shoes and get dressed. Don't go straight to your phone! Spend time having a morning routine to freshen up and set the stage for the day.  I know from experience on the days when I stayed in my pajamas and slippers, I was lazy most of the day. Likewise when I get up, get dressed, freshen up, and put on my shoes, I am ready for the day. Bottom line is you need a good morning routine that gets you ready for the day. 

I mentioned in my earlier post about having a plan that way there are no surprises. You take the guessing out and know exactly what you need to do. I do well when I get up, and get started. I usually have the most energy in the first part of the day. So that is when I do my food prep for the day if I need to. I like to plan what it is I am cooking for my family this evening. For me the morning is a great time to prepare my salad and my dressing that way my meal is done before any one else's is. I fast for the first part of the day. That helps me because my morning is not wasted on eating a meal. It allows me to have more time in the morning for a good morning routine. It is also part of my healing plan so a win, win! 

Then around 12 noon every day I make smoothies for myself and my husband. This is easy and my first meal of the day. This frees up a lot of my time and fruit makes an excellent first meal. The point is it's my plan and it takes out all of the guess work. As well as gives me lots of time to get other things done. Every day we take my son for a good walk, that is a priority, and part of the plan for the day. And I set aside some time to get on the computer and do my online stuff. My point is make a list of your must do's actives and DO THEM! Yes it is going to take some discipline but this is how you master your day. 

I am not saying that I am perfect at this but these are all ways that I have learned to master my day. I am sure you do all of this already every day. You at least know how things go when you don't lol! I have learned a lot from my failures as well as my successes. I have already covered my top three practical ways to live your best life now in the past post. I don't want this post to be too much like that one. But these are just simple things you can practice daily to master your day and live your best life now!

More practical ways of Living Your Best Life NOW! 

4. Use your time wisely

Both successful and unsuccessful people alike have only 24 hours in the day. The difference is the successful people use their 24 hours more wisely than the unsuccessful people. There is certainly nothing wrong with relaxing and doing nothing for awhile. We need that time too! But we need to learn how to manage time wisely. For example I can't stand to watch movies during the week. Just takes so much time that I could be using for writing for my blog or planning my next day. Use your time during the week in a way that fosters success and allows you to get everything done that you need. I personally like to save any entertainment for the end if the day when I'm ready to relax. Relaxation and entertainment makes a good rewards for a productive day. Getting healthy and staying that way is a full time job in it's self. And you have to work on your business, take care of your family, run arands and sleep at night. There's no time to aimlessly scroll down social media or watching hours of television. Ask yourself if there are any unhealthy habits and activities that you can cut out in the name of more time and a better life? Set a standard for yourself and follow through. That's discipline! 

5. Keep educating yourself

Read something on time management to enrich your knowledge on the subject. The more you know, the better choices you can make. Watch YouTube videos, follow people on LinkedIn that know what you want to know. Also the best way to learn is too teach! That is why I suggest starting a blog or write articles on LinkedIn. Choose topics that interest you. Study it, talk about it and write about it. You will become even more knowledgeable about the subject. 

6. Write it all down! 

I mentioned this before but keeping a journal can serve as an important tool of success. Everything from meal planning, task organization, daily journaling, favorite quotes, blog ideas, book titles, I could go on. You get my point! Writing it down is a great way to remind yourself of what needs to be done. It also is a tool that can help keep you on track. Or take a step back to see where you need improvement. Like keeping a food journal so you can step back and see where you need to be making changes. 

Anyway these are all things that I do. I am a big believer in getting better every day. Always improving on things. As long as we do this we can be at peace knowing we are on the right track that leads to personal greatness! 

I hope you enjoyed this post! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read it. I pray this was a reminder to you and help along your life journey. 

By Joanne Utke

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