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Showing posts with label thanksgiving. homeschooling. being thankful. homeschool advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. homeschooling. being thankful. homeschool advice. Show all posts

Nov 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving To My Followers And Readers!

I can't believe it is Thanksgiving again the year goes so fast!

thanksgiving blessings, happy thanksgiving

I am thankful that I am home schooling, I am even more thankful for my wonderful children.

I remember when I had each one, I have two, the moment I held them in my arms and looked into their eyes It felt like I always knew them, like they had been here all along! I was so amazed at how it felt, maybe it was the nine months of pregnancy but I think it was something more and for that I am truly thankful! I pray that all Mothers felt that way, I know many do!

I am thankful to all my followers and readers of my posts, thank you so much it make me feel so happy to know of such wonderful people and I hope to know you better!

I am thankful for my family and all the wonderful things life has to offer and I wish many wonderful things for everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!

To Your Success!


happy thaksgiving, thanksgiving cartoon

Jan 26, 2009

My top 10 reasons to home school

cafe mom, homeschooling
Are you homeschooling or want to be maybe you are on the fence about it. 

My top 10 reasons to home school

1. I get to be with my kids all day and watch them grow!

2. I get to be the one who teaches my kids, I get to see there face light up first hand when they have accomplished some new skill!

3. We get to use the world around us as our classroom and my kids get a real life education.

4. My kids will have supervised socialization and we get to meet new people together.

5. My children and I get to choose what we learn and how we learn it!

6. On average by the 8Th grade home schooled kids are 4 years ahead academically then kids in public schools.

7. Homeschooling provides an environment that is focused family.

8. Education is a part of our life, instead of our life being a part of education.

9. We get to travel on days when other kids are in school that means shorter lines at the museums and amusement parks.

10. It just makes good sense!

What is the best advice you can give to someone who is starting out homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling?

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