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Nov 27, 2009

A Great Project, My Six Year Old Is Doing

proud to be an american homeschooler, home schooling, american homeschooling
The other day my son and I were discussing what an average is, after I explained it to him he was wondering what the average favorite color was. I told him why don't you take a survey! He really liked the idea and I felt it would be a great project for him to do, he decided to survey one hundred people, asking them what their favorite color is. Today we bought a little pocket note book for him to record his findings and while we were at the park he asked eighteen people of all ages for starters. After he records his findings he will create a graph to show which color was favored more. When we go somewhere he will have is notebook so he can continue his research.

What your child will learn from this project: I think this is a great project idea because it teaches graphing, surveying and getting an average.

It also teaches public communication skills, "Hi My name is Hayden I am doing a survey can I ask you a quick question?" politeness, and real socialization skills, Imagine that lol!

Your kids can do this project as well they can pick what ever topic they choose to conduct their survey, for older kids they can choose a topic suitable for them my son is six so favorite color is appropriate.

Just make sure you are with your children supervising them, because this project requires talking with other people you and child may not know.

Thanks for reading!

To Your Success!

Nov 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving To My Followers And Readers!

I can't believe it is Thanksgiving again the year goes so fast!

thanksgiving blessings, happy thanksgiving

I am thankful that I am home schooling, I am even more thankful for my wonderful children.

I remember when I had each one, I have two, the moment I held them in my arms and looked into their eyes It felt like I always knew them, like they had been here all along! I was so amazed at how it felt, maybe it was the nine months of pregnancy but I think it was something more and for that I am truly thankful! I pray that all Mothers felt that way, I know many do!

I am thankful to all my followers and readers of my posts, thank you so much it make me feel so happy to know of such wonderful people and I hope to know you better!

I am thankful for my family and all the wonderful things life has to offer and I wish many wonderful things for everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!

To Your Success!


happy thaksgiving, thanksgiving cartoon

Nov 24, 2009

The Media Destroys Kids And The Parents Let It Happen!

What The Kids Are Watching!

    This is a continuation of my last post I felt I needed to address this as it does go with what I said before, thanks to the posters of my last post who reminded me of this issue!

You sit down grab the remote and you start flipping the channels, you just have to see what is on. After a few min of channel surfing you see sex of every sort, violence of every sort, foul language, and the like! I am not even just talking about programming said to be for adults only! and what is that these days  triple X ?

Apparently the media thinks if there isn't full nudity then it is children's programming!

Now when I say children I mean people up to the age of legal adulthood but really the things that I have seen from regular channel surfing in my opinion doesn't need to be viewed by human beings, period! Now I know I am conservative but for good reason, many kids are disrespectful to each other and their parents, they use foul language, dress inappropriately, and view sex and drugs as something cool to do for fun! Oral sex in school bathrooms as well as doing lines on the classroom desk, this is the norm for many kids!

I know this is not every kid and I hope not most kids but you can agree it is a big problem.

I see first hand when I am out with the kids the affect of this media programming. I have also seen it personally with my self as I have gone threw my life up to writing this post. I do not care to get into detail about my childhood but I will mention a few things.

Lets just say by the time I knew what sex was I was exposed to it over and over again from many different media sources, not good, it affected the choices I made and the way I viewed woman and men for that matter. I was friends with the kids who did drugs at school as well as doing lines in English class, many of my friends by Jr high were sexually active and the parents knew about much of it, Ok enough said.
Even cartoons which are designed for young children are not any better considering the ages they cater to, for example many of the popular cartoons for kids have words like stupid, shut up, idiot and moron. I have even heard Squidword from Spongebob say "would someone kill me". This is in many popular kids shows and not just Spongebob.

Now likewise there are also some great programming for kids like PBS kids and Disney channel is good only  in the morning and early afternoon hours. Later in the day you have the "teen shows" were you will see kissing, dating, back talk, as well as disobedience to adults and parents.

These shows which are said to be for kids are raising these kids and indoctrinating them with this bad behavior! If you the parent allow it to.

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn form it"
Prov 22:6

You can't blame school to much since the kids are watching the media at home! But obviously considering the things I mentioned that are going on in schools and the lack of supervision on the part of the schools as well as parents are to blame.

Parents in my opinion need to get rid of the cable, pay attention to what the kids are watching and control what they are exposed to! I am not saying shelter your children, only allow information to be fed to them in an age appropriate way and only when children are ready for certain information.

If kids are going to school the parents need to know what is going on and were! Parents need to be actively involved with school officials to guarantee the safest and most educational environment possible!

I know I am guilty of letting my kids watch some things I shouldn't, like Spongebob, I am also guilty of watching some of it myself, but I will also say that I have always been more conservative with it then many parents that I have encountered.

We had cable early on and we did enjoy cartoons and such, but I learned early on to use the parental controls but honestly that wasn't even enough. We got rid of the cable completely then we moved in with my brother in law who had cable in the house, once again I gave in a little but limited what we watched. Now thank God we have no cable and will never have it again!

I know that you already know this and I do not wish to insult your intelligence, I only want to remind you about the dangers of media viewing. We prefer to go to the library and get good books and educational movies provided to us for free from our local library, media viewing is just not necessary and in fact can be damaging to our true self!

Supervise your kids no matter how much of your time and money it requires, in fact cable can cost 30, 40 even 80-100 dollars for many families and you can use that money each month to attend a play and or visit a museum with your family! You can even go to the movies instead just choose what you see carefully.

Thanks for reading please comment if you have anything to add it is greatly appreciated!
To Your Families Health and Happiness!

Here is my last post if you haven't read it note the comments really add to it!

Nov 23, 2009

Something I Have Noticed

She Said To The Other Girl "Stupid Whore"

  Today my kids and I went for a walk to the park, which we love to do! It was after two and schools had let out, it is not the first time we have been at the park at this time. Well the teenagers like to congregate at the park without parents or adult supervision I will add, especially this one which has a skate park, I do not mind to much as long as they are respectful and that rarely happens unfortunately!

I have noticed how teens just have little to no respect for anyone! I am generalizing I know there are many great respectful well taught teens ( I assume most are home schooled lol!) I am joking a little.

Seriously though I was there with my young children and there were many other young children too. The teenagers were shouting out the F word over and over and they were just playing and I guess having fun. Many other cuss words came out of there mouths usually I say something but there were a lot of teens and I decided to just let it go, but I am telling you all now.

Another thing I noticed is the way the boys were treating the girls and how some of the girls were treating each other! The boys cuss at the girls in conversation! And one girl walked by me and my children and shouted to her friend "stupid Whore" and she was only trying to get her attention there was no arguing going on. I have also heard girls call each other bitches and many other degrading terms, this has been going on since I was a teen. What is going on have the girls settled for the disrespect the boys give them and turn it on to each other?

I see this over and over again, it is very sad, I am glad my kids do not go to school and I can teach them the proper ways to treat human beings, unfortunately the things I have mentioned are learned behavior and these kids are getting it from peers at school and many of them sadly I assume get it at home!

Something is wrong here and I do not even blame schools, I blame the parents!

I am happy to say that I also meet great parents and children all the time and I am thankful to know them!

I only can teach my kids the right things and pray that these kids I mentioned and their parents mature enough to see the error of their ways!

Nov 22, 2009

Free Pre School Sites

Awesome Site For Pre Schoolers, It Is Fun Learning With Games!

Hello I just wanted to share with you about this great site for pre schoolers called kneebouncers. This is the kind of thing pre schoolers love and they will learn so much, we checked it out and I was happy to see it was very easy for my pre schooler this site has one key controls so all the pre schooler has to do is hit one key and they can easy play on this site, without using the mouse!

Also check out starfall for pre schooler needs, star fall also educates elementary grads as well.
Star Fall is a phonics learning site and they make it super easy for kids to learn how to read!

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Please comment tell us what you think about the sites!

Nov 21, 2009

Mike Huckabee, Chuck Norris & Michael Farris: The Government Wants To Raise Your Children

Chuck Norris On Obama Care Dirty Secrets!

You can read the article by Chuck Norris reffered to in the video titled:

Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare

Other articles by Chuck at World Net Daily

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